Friday, November 14, 2008

America: Freedom to Fascism - by Aaron Russo

Another important film to see:

America: Freedom to Fascism - by Aaron Russo

You can see it for free here - Director's Authorized Version:

ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

This is an important movie to watch.

ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

You can see it for free here:

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Russia, Georgia and Ron Paul supporters

Something is seriously troubling me and I have to write about this. I am starting to see Ron Paul supporters who speak gushingly about Russia and its empire and actually support Putin and Medvedev in their actions in invading the Republic of Georgia and bombing Georgian cities.

I frankly cannot believe any Ron Paul supporter, who is a lover of liberty, is seriously in favor of an invasion of one nation into the territory of another sovereign nation which has not attacked it. Or of despotic leaders like Putin or Medvedev.

I am originally from Ukraine, and many Ukrainians are now afraid that Russia is planning to invade Ukraine as well. The Russian public is already being prepared for it, just like it was prepared for the Georgian conflict. Russians typically see the United States as their main enemy, but in the recent months they were manipulated by the largely state-controlled Russian media into believeing that Georgia is the #1 enemy of Russia. Russians are also being trained to see Ukrainians as their enemies. Today, 50% of Russians already consider Ukraine to be the enemy of Russia. Russia is the #2 world exporter of oil after Saudi Arabia and their economy is booming because of the record high prices of oil and the weak dollar. This is making them confident and reckless. They are repeating the American hubris in recklessly throwing their weight around to bend weaker nations to their will. (Since Georgia's military is 20 times smaller than Russia's, that was easy to do.)

Some Ron Paul supporters seem to think that since Russia often opposes the United States in its imperial ambitions, then Russia must be good and Ron Paul supporters should support Russia. Well, the reason the Russian Federation opposes the American Empire is because it wants to build its own empire. The Russian leaders seriously believe that if they don't attack their neighbors, their existing empire will fall apart. They think if they are not expanding, then they are contracting.

The Russian Empire is much older than the American Empire. The Russian conflict with Georgia had started before the United States even existed. It's preposterous to suggest that Russia's imperial war of aggression against Georgia is only a proxy war with the United States.

I am against the Russian Empire just as much as I am against the American Empire, and so should be all lovers of liberty. Ron Paul supporters need to learn to apply their principles equally to all nations, across the board, instead of selectively opposing the American Empire while throwing their support behind other empires.

Let us work for a world without empires. All people deserve to have liberty and sovereignity by virtue of their birth, if they choose to seek it. And all leaders who choose to use force to abrogate the liberty or sovereignity of the people of other nations or their own are the enemies of liberty.

Some clear-headed thinking is required here about these foreign matters.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Most Americans Still Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident

An interesting report from Rassmussen polling group.

Rasmussen Reports
Most Americans Still Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident
Thursday, July 03, 2008

In the early summer days of 1776, a group of men gathered in Philadelphia to craft a document that has become one of history's great declarations of liberty. In a time and place where challenging the King was considered treason, the Continental Congress declared that the King had no right to claim authority over them.

Their declaration began by asserting that certain truths were self-evident. Today, 85% of American adults agree with the first "self-evident" truth—that all men are created equal. Ninety-one percent (91%) agree with the second of those truths—that we are all are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights including Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

However, only 56% agree with the Declaration's assertion that governments derive their just power from the consent of the governed. Twenty-six percent (26%) disagree and 18% are not sure. This result is so startling that Rasmussen Reports will explore it more fully in additional surveys next week. It might be tied to general dissatisfaction with the federal government that has become prevalent in recent decades. Earlier surveys have found that hardly anybody believes the government today reflects the will of the people. Solid majorities think the federal government has become a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests.

On a lighter note, 40% of adults were able to properly select John Hancock as the first to sign the document. Twenty percent (20%) thought it was Thomas Jefferson, the man credited with drafting the agreement.

Twenty-three percent (23%) thought George Washington was President of that Continental Congress and 19% said Jefferson. Again, the proper answer was Hancock and only 16% got it right.

Other recent surveys have found that, if an election were held today, 91% would vote for the Constitution as the fundamental law of the land. A majority continues to believe that there is more danger in giving government too much power than in giving it too little power.

A separate survey found that just 17% believe working for the government is more honorable than working in the private sector.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

A wonderful tribute for Indendence Day - Transport yourself into the early days of these United States:

Thomas Jefferson in Colonial Williamsburg -
Bill Barker, who has been performing as Thomas Jefferson in Williamsburg since 1993, at one of his afternoon "audiences" in March, 2008.

This one is great! - an impersonator of the French General Lafayette who fought on the American side in the Revolutionary War:

Marquis de Lafayette - In Colonial Williamsburg, LaFayette addresses the citizens in Williamsburg during the Yorktown Campaign

Another great performance by Mr. Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson at Harpers Ferry

President Jefferson & Aaron Burr Debating

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Obama Switches On Wiretapping & Telecom Immunity

Just like Ron Paul said, Obama is fake:

Obama Supporters Enraged by His Switch on Wiretapping

NY: All New Vaccine Mandates Squashed

"It is official. New York Assembly Bill A 10942, the "worst vaccine bill ever" and the mandatory meningococcal vaccine bill it morphed into late in the session are dead. And they were killed by parents who just aren't going to let pharma kick them around anymore."

NY: All New Vaccine Mandates Squashed
Parents are Powerful

Well, it looks like New Yorkers have successfully defended their freedoms on the issue of vaccination. So, for now the parents of New York will be able to keep the choice of whether or not to administer the meningitis vaccine to their children and not have the state force it on their kids without their consent, Soviet Union-style.

Although many other vaccines in New York are still mandatory, including the sexually transmitted Hepatitis B, and that leaves more battles to be fought in the future.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Washington, You're Fired" is showing tonight

Thursday June 19, 2008

Final reminder, the movie showing "Washington, You're Fired" is at 7pm tonight in Chenango Town Hall. Refreshments available.

Hope to see you there. And bring a skeptic with you.